Busy city street

Digital & eLearning

The Client Need

"We needed a short, fun, and engaging way to teach all new hires about the importance of confidentiality with regard to both client and Firm information. We wanted to showcase some of the most common and unintended ways Firm members breach confidentiality without making it feel like learners were judging those who make a mistake."

- Professional Services Firm

Teaching the Importance of Confidentiality to All New Hires

Busy city street

Digital & eLearning

The Client Need

"We needed a short, fun, and engaging way to teach all new hires about the importance of confidentiality with regard to both client and Firm information. We wanted to showcase some of the most common and unintended ways Firm members breach confidentiality without making it feel like learners were judging those who make a mistake."

- Professional Services Firm

The Design

A 30-minute, on-demand program that introduces the importance of confidentiality and protecting confidential information through short activities and performance support documents, then centers on 6 stop-action videos of fictionalized Firm members in real-life scenarios that learners watch and determine if there are any confidentiality concerns.

Audience: All new hires for a global organization
Skills in Focus: Confidentiality
Features: Stop-action videos, observe & critique, course guide

The Details

A cityscape map (pictured left, in part) with clickable hot spots over different locations serves as the menu for six scenarios.

A course guide shares observations, provides key insights and perspectives on confidentiality concerns, and provides tailored feedback on course activities.

Diversity drove the casting of all actors to represent a broad range of global demographics so all Firm members feel a sense of inclusion and representation.

A robust library of resources to support learners during the course and on the job when they are unsure if information should be treated as confidential.

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Science-based learning that improves performance.

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