Socratic Build

Socratic Build

Our digital course-building tool

Socratic BUILD can be used to create multiple course types, including simulations, branching storylines, metrics-driven courses, and more. It has dozens of ready-made interaction types, and custom interactions and features can be built to suit.

This tool has AI-enabled features such as Semi-Socratic Tutors and feedback, and can be hosted on our secure server or delivered as SCORM for client hosting.

Case Studies

Doctor sitting in his office looking at a course

Digital & eLearning

Short, Mobile Courses for Busy Clinicians

Three ultra-short courses in which clinicians observe model physician / patient conversations and the target skills employed, and critique contrasting, imperfect conversations, comparing their own impressions with an expert’s. Learners see how different conversations impact patients.

Tish Robinson

Digital & eLearning

Leadership & Team Conflict Transformation

A course optimized for mobile devices that uses observe and critique, modeling, and branching conversations around a series of authentic, cross-cultural dispute conversations.

Socratic Arts, Inc.

Science-based learning that improves performance.

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