Our needs and curriculum analyses services provide a comprehensive assessment of your organization's learning needs. Our team of instructional design experts works closely with you to ensure that the assessment outcomes and resulting training plans are effective and meet the unique needs of your organization.
Needs Analysis
If you know you have a training need, but don't have clarity around skill gaps and requirements, we can help!
Our detailed needs analysis provides you with a deep understanding of your performance improvement areas and recommendations for next steps. Our instructional design team is adept at developing interview protocols and surveys and conducting focus groups and one-on-one discussions with your target learner population and their managers. Then, we'll develop reports that quantify everything we've discovered to make it easy for you to share outcomes with your internal team and leadership.
When you're not sure where your performance gaps are or you want to validate your investment in a solution, this is the best place to start to get the data that you need to move forward.
Curriculum Analysis
We can also analyze your existing curriculum, provide a quantitative assessment of course efficacy, and identify gaps and opportunities for improvement as well as recommendations for next steps.
Talent on Demand
Upskill Professionals to Deliver on New Strategic Initiative
Socratic Arts provided learning professionals to act as essential members of the Learning & Delivery team.
Talent on Demand
Staff Augmentation for Live Analyst Milestone Program
A Socratic Arts learning professional joined the client's in-house learning team to support creation of an in-person milestone experience for junior practitioners with differentiated learning tracks.
Staff Augmentation for Agile Design & Development
Socratic Arts learning professionals joined the client's in-house learning team to lead a complex Agile project.
Science-based learning that improves performance.
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