Your remote learners deserve great learning experiences, too. Our virtual instructor-led trainings (vILTs) are guided by the same learn-by-doing and story-centered design principles that inform our other learning solutions.
We use a variety of science-backed instructional design methods, including hands-on skills practice in breakout rooms, group discussions, story-based scenarios and instruction, and role-playing exercises, to ensure your learners are fully engaged and able to retain and apply their new skills and knowledge on the job.
Virtual ILT
Environment, Social, & Governance (ESG) Sales Enablement
A two-hour, highly interactive vILT intended to prepare Controllership leaders for productive and meaningful conversations around Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) topics with client leaders.
Learning Journey for Global Law Firm
A leadership and management training learning journey/curriculum to help 1st-6th year associate attorneys excel as leaders at a global law firm.
Virtual ILT
Creating Winning Proposals
A conversion of an 8-hour live program to a 3-hour vILT that gives participants confidence in proposal creation through hands-on practice creating messaging and a storyboard for a client-centric proposal and exploration of available tools.
Virtual ILT
Cyber & Strategic Risk Boot Camps
A portfolio of nine 2-5-day virtual instructor led (vILT) technical boot camps, featuring learn-by-doing workshops, immersive case studies, and social events.
Science-based learning that improves performance.
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