Halt a Hack logo

By Socratic Arts

A new course tailored for everyday Internet users like you, aiming to increase your cybersecurity awareness and help you recognize sneaky cyber threats.

In today's online world, your personal and financial data are under constant attack. This course teaches you to spot threats, understand their impact, and stay safe online.

By learning essential cybersecurity practices, you're safeguarding not only your own information but also helping to shield your friends, family, and employer from cyber criminals.

Enroll now to become your own cybersecurity hero!

Enroll Now for $99

In this course, you will experience hands-on, practical training with real-world scenarios, including:

  • Identifying phishing emails and detecting security risks in everyday surroundings.
  • Transforming their mindset to think like a hacker, which elevates their security awareness to proactively spot vulnerabilities.
  • Recognizing advanced ways attackers circumvent advanced security techniques using psychology.
  • Taking appropriate actions when they suspect they've been phished.
  • Analyzing their own digital presence and locking down their online footprint.

What makes this course different from the others?

Icon: Silhouette of a head with gears inside

It's science-based.

Meaning it's designed in a way that matches how our brains work, making it easier and more enjoyable for learning.

Icon: Fish swimming near a fishing line and hook

It's about more than phishing.

It provides insights into how cyberattacks can begin with individuals like you and potentially escalate to affect your family, friends, or employer. You’ll discover how to stop attacks and safeguard both your personal data and your workplace.

Icon: mobile device with a network of people on it

It focuses on advanced tactics.

It emphasizes sophisticated methods of social engineering to help you notice discrepancies from the ordinary that may have security implications.

About this course

This course provides an individualized and impactful experience tailored to you. You will:


Learn at you own pace

The self-paced, digital course contains short, hands-on practice activities that can be completed at any pace.


Maximize time spent

The five online activities can be completed in under 60 minutes - all at once or in multiple sittings.


Build knowledge in a logical sequence

Each activity builds on prior learning.


Uncover you own internet vulnerabilities

You'll complete an open-source intelligence search on yourself to learn about security weaknesses.


Protect yourself and others

You will be able to confidently lock down your online footprint.


Get help when needed

Activity help and learning resources are available 24/7.

Enroll now. Complete at your own pace.

Enroll Now for $99

Halt-a-Hack gave me a better idea of what attackers are looking for and what information can make me vulnerable to an attack online.

Halt-a-hack is also available for companies, to raise employee awareness of cybercriminal tactics and protect the company.

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